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RealArtWorks Inc. is a not-for-profit arts organization dedicated to developing creative arts projects utilizing the skills of artists of varying abilities to interact with other professional artists or marginalised groups (culturally socially, economically or geographically) to create multi art form outcomes with a high level of 'quality' that foster creative culture and encourage social awareness..
The engagement of people with disability is deeply embedded in the project's rationale and in the vision of
RealArtWorks Inc as a post-disability arts company. We create projects with artists using the lens of disability as
a creative tool to 'flip switches' in everybody’s minds, both artists and audience. Post-disability means that we actively engage artists with and without disability and collectively we overcome the barriers that we face in order to create great art. More than half of our members and our board are people who identify as experiencing disability.

More about RealArtworks
RealArtWorks was formed as a group in Wagga Wagga by a group of Artists who worked together on an inclusive multiArts project called NTV Rip Out your labels in 2005 in Wagga Wagga NSW. The success of this project led the group, under the creative directorship of Zeb Schulz, to seek further development opportunities. The group created the 2nd NTV Show Lost and Found Through Arts Action at the Awakenings festival in Horsham in Western Victoria in 2007.. (Funded by Festivals Australia through the Regional Residencies Fund)
Many of the original members of the group moved to the Northern Rivers around 2005 and met up with Ruth Tsitimbinis around this time. The group was incorporated as a not-for-profit Public Benevolent Institution with deductible gift status in 2008, with Ruth Tsitimbinis as Public Officer and Zeb Schulz as Artistic Director.