Collaborating to foster social change for people with/ out disability
Specialising in inclusive practices that inspire
community engagement and

"This has the ability to unite people in ways that havent happened before.This is a possiblity we can all get into...." Lachie, ( festival parton and participant at the Our Art on Your Sleeve Project, Unsound Festival, Krakow

Our Art on Your Sleeve!
Sunita Bala with fellow Artists in Residence artist Zeb Schulz .at UNSOUND festival 2011 Krakow Poland. Art on Your Sleeve an interactive live performance, engaging festival spectators in the art of screenprinting to create a multifaceted geomorphic artwork moving and static throughout the festival and city. The aim: 5000 original artworks in 7 days.
Supported by the TONE Foundation, Poland
"Thanks for a great opportunity to participate. It feels great to creat something of your own and be part of the art!" Lucas, Germany
RED.Inc Women's Group.
Creator, and facilitator of the RED Inc Women's Group, Sunita runs a weekly support group for young women with disability to support and inspire each other!
"The best part of Women's Group is the friendships I make. It's a safe place to be" Stacey

The Northern Rivers, Creative Womens Circle.

An inspiring and fun 10 week course managed and co facilitated by Sunita for women with/out disability. Women have the opportunity to collaborate with 3 professional women artists to investigate and celebrate their lives, aspirations and inspirations. The workshops foster personal strength and growth in a creative environment.
and support women in their own creative arts practice. There is an exhibition based outcome. Run every 12 weeks, these workshops are very popular.
Sunita was an artist in residence at the Unsound Festival, Krakow 2013 with fellow artist Zeb Shulz to collaborate with local atists and festival patrons a multimedia and live performance. Working closely with Krakow's "Finska Cafe" a meeting place for artists and 'free thinkers" the artists created initial content for a gallery space incorporated into a backstreet residential building.The project engaged a wide demographic of people , including the buildings residents to reflect on the influence of the outside,(be it social, geographical or economice) in relation to our ability to create and do.
Supported by the TONE Foundation.

"II wanted people to listen to my story. Im' in love with Shakespere. Even with a difference, there can be love. "Sarah
The Nothing is Useless Project
Sunita was one of the main artists faciliating creatice content for the 2014 Nothing is Useless Project, exhibited at the Lismore Regional Gallery. The project engaged emerging artists with/out disability to engae in a creative exploration aroubd our compulsion to consume the new and asks the questions, what is new and what is useless and used obsolete technolgy to create an inetractive exhibition and performance. As part of this, artists were supported by Sunita to tell their stories through one-one creative writing workshops that manifested itself in audio book recordings with their .books screenprinted. Made possible through Arts NSW.