Collaborating to foster social change for people with/ out disability
Specialising in inclusive practices that inspire
community engagement and

Artist Auto biography
Why do I enjoy working with marginalised communities?
Since 2012, I have worked as a disability support worker, artist , women's group facilitator, co- curator and manager of an inclusive community arts space" SeeSpace" and Linker with Abuility Links FNC.
II am a member of Realartworks.Inc, a not for profit arts organisation working with emerging and professional artists with/out disability that are committed to social change.
I've worked with people from different ethnic backgrounds, abilities, ages and genders both locally and overseas. My passion is to stimulate collbaration and engagement through the creative arts both as a facilitator and as an artist.
My experience in project managemet has provided opportunitites for emerging marginalised artists to gain skills, experience and showcase their work.
I am the creator and director of both The Most Kabaret and Lark in the Park. Events that work with artists with/out disability. These events are based within local communities to forge networks between artists, businesees and local Councils that extend artists practice, audience and market
Whether it be the fundraising manager for The Most Bridge project: taking an inclusive band of musicians to Poland or a cake stall, my skills in fundraising mean that I am able to create opportunities for projects on any scale.
The opportunity to be heard and seen is a powerful tool for self advocacy .My passion is in working with people to tell their own stories through partipatory storytelling, A method where I am still faciliating to produce material, but with a light touch that does not undermine the honesty of the first person's story.
I'v been lucky to work with artists and arts workers collabartaing together because of our concern for social change. where some people may see only poverty and deficiency, artists committed to social change see assets, opportunity, possibility, and potential for transformation!
I want to empower people to engage in innovation, critical thinkiing and compassion through the arts. Problem solving through creativity inspires me!
I believe that being an artist whatever your motivation, means believing in the power of the creative process!
Currently working on..
Nothing Is Uselaee
2016 / 2017 Creative Facilitator.
The Nothing Is Useless project and exhibition( developed and exhibited in Lismore NSW) where I faciliatated artists with disability to make artists books of their own stories and presented in the "old School" audio book format. The project was further developed and exhibited in the Wagga Wagga Regional Gallery in late 2015.
The project will be exhibited and performed at ARTLANDS 2016
Supported by the Regional Partnerships, Arts NSW.
Australia Council 2016
Creative Director and Producer
Held Friday 9the September at the Lismore Workers Club. The Most Kabaret will celebrate Social change bringing together emerging and professional artists accross the community in a night of ciccus, dance , spoken word and more. A RealArtWorks.Inc project suportung artists with/out disability Supported by Lismore Workers Club and Lismore City Council

Creative Women's Circle
Founder and Creative Facilitaor
Starts Monday 1st August 2016
Work with professional women artists over 10 weeks to develop your own artistic aspirations and art practice . Learn and develop skills in portrait painting, puppetry and screen-printing. Fostering creativity and strength through exploring the concepts of Creativity, Choice and Courage in your own life and the lives of other women! Auslan interpreter provided.
Cost $625 ($12.50 per hour) - lunch and materials provided
Bookings Essential as places are limited.
The Building (S) still Lives.
Creative Producer
A 2016 project, The Building(S) still Lives is a collaboration between and key contributors to Lismore’s art and culture scene; Northern Rivers Conservatorium, Lismore Library, Lismore Regional Gallery and Limore TAFE.
A multi-arts and site specific response to the narratives that we form with buildings, as
individuals and groups. Users of '110 Magellan Street' past and present undertake a series of workshops with professional
artists across art forms producing a live performance pieces in which the buildings themselves became the canvases for
large scale projections.