Collaborating to foster social change for people with/ out disability
Specialising in inclusive practices that inspire
community engagement and

"I'm an artist woman who wants to teach art to children.It made me happy to run these classes" Nicole Sten.

"Congratulations Sunita. The shop and the workshops brought new life into the Centre" David, Lismore Centro Manager
The Red, Art In the Heart!
A collaboration between RED Inc and Lismore City Council's "Art in the Heart " Program. A 6 month residency in an unused shopping Centre transformed into an artists gallery and interactive arts space between people with/out disability. An opportunity to showcase the work and passions of emerging artists with disability and provide valuable work experience in facilitation, retail and child services- culminating in a live interactive performance- taking the message of inclusion to the people via dance, drama and poetry!
Art Smarts- making BIG ART for small people
Working with disdability support srvice Red. Inc and two of their emerging artists with disability, the projects aim was was to support emerging artists to gain experience and employment as arts workers for children.

Stories can create an emotional connection that improves our understanding of situations and events, encourages reflection, and allows people to discuss normally taboo subjects.- Stepahne Buck

The Hearing Voice Choir open the Well Being art exhibition at SeeSpace
Where Does A Story Start?
Working with young women with disability as part of Red Inc' s Womens Group, a workshop to assist them in their literacy developed into a project to help facilitate and record their own life stories. Project managed and facilitated by Sunita, the result was "Where Does A Story Start?" A book of their life journey, dreams and aspirations published and available through the Tweed Library
" I'm really proud of my story. I dint think I could do it but I did! "Jamsie
Manager and co-Curator of SeeSpace, an inclusive arts, technology and msedia centre, used by professional and emerging artists with disability. The Centre is home to exhibition space, gift shop and workshops in visual arts and music Creating and exhibiting new work in contemporary arts and culture, it is also a venue for live performances that showcase the development of SeeSpace artists.
Supported by Lismre City Council.
The Most Kabaret Workshops
Celebrating Diversity and Social Change!
A series of music workshops engaging professional musicians to work with young Indigenous, Congolese and Filippino youth. Using traditional and modern instruments and diverses musical genres to showcase at the Most Kabaret at Lismore Workers Club Auditorium-The NR's largest entertainment venue.
A collabartion between Community Groups, Lismore Council and sposored by the Community Relation Commission for Multiculturalism.